Tinnitometer is the professional software solution capable of reproducing all types of tinnitus with unmatched precision, offering personalized and effective solutions for each patient.








  • Up to 4 different reproductions
  • Modulations, wave effect, wind, etc.
  • Questionnaires (THI, TRQ, TFI, etc.)
  • Residual inhibition
  • ...


How It Works

Use it through an audiometer with a line-in input and perfectly calibrated for optimal results.


Easily use it with a simple headset connected directly to your PC for an immediate experience.

Real-time sound generator.


The Tinnitometer uses the Audio Engine we developed. This module allows for real-time sound generation, enabling us to smoothly adjust frequencies and modify bandwidths without interruption.


The absence of pauses between the generated sounds is a major strength of this tool, as it allows the person suffering from tinnitus to determine if the produced sound matches their tinnitus.

Efficient and fast


According to a study conducted by Appalachian State University, our solution stands out for:


- Unmatched effectiveness: The reproduction of the patient's tinnitus is so precise that it approaches perfection, ensuring optimal relief..


- Impressive speed: All tests and reports are completed in record time, in just 5 to 9 minutes, allowing you to act quickly for the well-being of your patients.


A Real Solution for Your Tinnitus Clients

Once we have identified the patient's tinnitus, our innovative solution incorporates an expert system to offer you:

- Either the most suitable hearing device

For more than 83% of your tinnitus clients, our solution allows you to select, adjust, and sell hearing aids designed to mask tinnitus, providing immediate relief to your clients.
Our software enables you to choose from the brands you are accustomed to working with, ensuring seamless integration and maximum customer satisfaction.

- Or sound therapy   

Discover our incredible collection of more than 72 hours of music, available on all major platforms.

When printing the report, easily integrate personalized QR codes to offer your clients a tailor-made sound therapy solution, perfectly adapted to their needs and accessible on their preferred platform.

User interface

Alt Tinnitus representation graph Features Adjustment panel to reproduce tinnitus Up to 4 tinnitus sounds
generated simultaneously
Slider to select the central frequency of the tinnitus. Can be controlled using the keyboard with the keys: Slider to determine the bandwidth of the tinnitus.
Can be controlled using the keyboard with the keys:
Slider to determine the pulsation speed. This helps to identify the thresholds of the tinnitus. Slider to manage the attack slope of the generated noise. It is particularly useful for certain types of tinnitus that appear to be dual, as in the case of Meniere's disease. Slider to adjust the volume of the generated noise. It can be controlled using the keyboard keys: Set of buttons to determine the different thresholds of the tinnitus.

Free Version

Price List


Demo version
0 1 Month
  • Tinnitus reproduction
    -- session de 7 minutes--
  • Qrcode Sound Therapy
  • Report printing
  • Update include
  • 1-hour free online training.
  • Tele-consultation 200€ / h


204 / Quarter
  • Tinnitus reproduction
  • Qrcode Sound Therapy
  • Report printing
  • Update included
  • 1-hour free online training.
  • Tele-consultation 200€ / h


744 / Year
  • Tinnitus reproduction
  • Qrcode Sound Therapy
  • Report printing
  • Update included
  • 1-hour free online training.
  • Tele-consultation 170€ / h


1800 Lifetime
  • Tinnitus reproduction
  • Qrcode Sound Therapy
  • Report printing
  • Update included
  • 1-hour free online training.
  • Tele-consultation 200€ / h

Qu'est ce que ça fait 


1)  Génère un son et permet de reproduire

[image de l'interface]



 1b) Une acouphénométrie avec un audiomètre 'classique' à obtenu une note de .../10, notre solution 9/10. 


[image de comparaison des notes]



2)Apporte une solution au client

[image de la femme qui souris]

   - Soit par appareillage (pour + de 85% des patients)

[image des QR code]

   - Soit par thérapie sonore



3) Impression d'un rapport

[image du rapport]



Comment ça fonctionne ?


A l'aide de notre générateur de son en temps réel, nous sommes capable de reproduire le son...

Unique au monde

Nous sommes les inventeurs et développeur de l'ensemble de cet outil

Nous avons mis plus de X année pour trouver ...



Le tarif


[Tableau des tarif]




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